Meissl and the moon: an interview with two hosts about a special concept


The Apollo is a great new concept right by the water of the beautiful lake Mondsee. A world of enjoyment and joie de vivre. We talked to hosts Juliana and Daniel Döllerer about the start of this special project and the role our Meissl products play in their daily business.

Meissl: The Apollo in Mondsee – a wonderfully special, conceptually exciting and extravagant place that you have created here. How did this come about?

Daniel: The Hargassner family introduced us to the project around two years ago. Before that, we had traveled around and gained experience for a few years, to Berlin, Luxembourg, Vienna and Zanzibar and always knew that we wanted to set up our own business at some point. As a Mondsee native, this project was a perfect fit from the start!

Meissl: The location is right by the water – with a view of nature. What role do being outside, enjoying the outdoors and the natural surroundings of the location play for you?

Juliana & Daniel: The majority of our seats are outdoors and right by the water. Architecturally, the concept was implemented very well, and allows us to bring nature inside. This makes it cozy even when the weather is bad. Everything is kept natural and subtle so that the lake can make its impression. This soothes, slows things down, guests can breathe easily and they really appreciate that. Just like us and our staff – because we like to be outdoors ourselves and enjoy the striking mountain scenery that surrounds us here.

Meissl: Why did you choose Meissl as a partner for your so called “landing field”?

Juliana: We knew that we need umbrellas. Especially at lake Mondsee, the weather can change quickly, yet guests want to stay outside as much as comfortable. The solution with the rain gutter system and the comprehensive, flexible umbrellas is just perfect. It allows us to plan well and react to weather changes quickly.

Meissl: Are you satisfied with the solution and would you recommend Meissl and our products to others?

Daniel: Yes. The selective weather protection we can realize with Meissl products would not be possible with a classic awning. Also, nothing ever gets wet under the umbrellas. Our opening ceremony, for example, would not have been possible without the Meissl products and the thought-out solution.

Hosts Juliana and Daniel Döllerer

Meissl: To what extent does the umbrella solution influence operations, revenue and events?

Juliana & Daniel: One very important point is the time saved at the start of the day because the tables stay dry. The umbrella also plays an important role in terms of revenue, especially in changeable weather.

Meissl: How has the Apollo been received in the first three weeks since you opened your doors?

Daniel: Extremely well at the beginning! Despite the changeable weather, we've always been fully booked. We already have a lot of regular guests, particularly locals. That's important to us, because we are a year-round business.

The landing area at Mondsee – for sun-seekers and those looking for refreshment – has been equipped with the following products:


  • 6 pcs. large umbrellas type MV in diverse individually fitted sizes


  • Integrated lighting in white and RGB, heating, rain gutters and sound system
Publication date: 17 Jun 2024